Specialty Welding & Industrial Maintenance

Southern Fabworks LLC is a Specialty Welding and Industrial Maintenance contractor servicing Baton Rouge and surrounding areas, from emergency shut downs to scheduled projects, let Southern Fabworks take care of you!

Shop Fabrication

Southern Fabworks also offers a full service fabrication shop ready to take your project to the next level.

In-house Delivery

Southern Fabworks in-house "Hot Shot" services helps ensure the product is delivered on time, every time! (24,000LB) Load limit.

Our Message

Southern Fabworks LLC is a family owned and operated specialty welding and industrial maintenance contractor. At Southern Fabworks we pride ourselves on performing safe, quality work while also maintaining an impressive turn around rate to ensure the job is completed on time and correctly. We have an elite management staff that is no stranger to the up-and coming industrial needs that Louisiana has to offer, from our project management team to our top notch Field techs, we have got you covered! Southern Fabworks is growing rapidly and so is our demand, we have an OSHA compliant WOP and safety training in place to ensure our employees are up to par with OSHA standards and regulations. Find us on ISnetworld!
